Monday, January 20, 2014

Betty Crocker's Walnut Chocolate Chip Cookies...with a Twist!

 It is always a good idea to implement coconut oil into your diet, for it holds countless benefits for the body. One night, upon staring into my food pantry with a ginormous sweet tooth, I glanced over at Betty Crocker's Walnut Chocolate Chip cookie mix that I had. These are seriously some of my favorite cookies. They taste good and their cheap. Only thing is, they're not all that great for your health. As I studied the two ingredients I had control over: 1 Egg, 1 Stick Butter, I started wracking my brain for an excellent substitute. Coconut oil to substitute the butter was the first thing to come to mind. And let me tell you... it was a thing of genius.

This is the kind I purchase at my local Wal-mart. However, you can purchase coconut oil at any health store as well :) I read an article that instructed me to use 3/4 the amount of coconut oil for the amount of butter. For instance, if 1 cup of butter is called for, use 3/4 a cup of coconut oil. Easy right? 

This recipe called for 1/2 cup of butter (1 stick). Thus, I measured out 6 Tbsp of the magic stuff and popped it in the microwave to melt a bit- just until squishy. Definitely do this. Otherwise, you'll have chunky cookies.

This was the result. It's TOO bad you can't smell them, because you would have an orgasm right on the spot. That's right folks, an insta-gasm. They were SINFULLY good. I mean, so good, that I won't ever make them with butter again. Better than the original!!!!

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